Hello Friends!


Welcome to my blog "Natural Always".

I'm Fabienne and I have a passion for food and photography. I seek and work for being in balance with my own life, whereas a healthy diet, sports and a comfortable environment consisting of good friends and family plays a crucial role. My general aim is to be the best version of myself. Through self-education the last couple of years, I learned a lot about the right way of eating a healthy diet to get the best performance out of every day and very important I got to know the numerous health benefits and healing properties certain foods have. The most important thing I learnt through those years is that we should all go back to nature, find beauty in nature and eat natural again. It's all about eating a natural, plant-based diet which automatically results in a healthy lifestyle. And that's exactly the part where my blog steps in – Natural Always!

My mission is to share how you can be healthier and happier through the right way of eating and change towards a healthy, plant-based lifestyle. It's easy, and something everyone of us can achieve through simple positive steps each day into the right direction. I wouldn't do this if I didn't experienced it myself. Since I have started educating myself and making healthy choices from day to day, I've seen how everything changed after a while. I'm happy I tried it myself, it feels wonderful. I feel much better and more energized. I sleep better. I feel more balanced. I am happy. I want you to be happy as well and to experience this quality of life.

Nowadays nearly everyone categorises themselves as being vegan, vegetarian, a raw foodie or anything else. For me it’s not about a category, it’s about much more. It’s about myself and how I feel the best for myself. I don’t want to label myself for being someone who doesn’t represent the true me. Think about it. What are labels? Which purpose do they serve? For me it feels unnatural to categorise myself. We don’t have to explain ourselves for living the life we feel comfortable with. And don’t get me wrong with this. I’m not saying being and labelling oneself as a “vegetarian”, “vegan” or anything else is in any way negative. I’m only saying, we have the right to not categorise oneselves, because I think it’s very personal and shouldn’t be perceived as something everyone has to do. Everyone should be respected for their own decisions on what feels right for themselves.

My philosophy: Without labelling myself I can describe my diet of consisting most of the time of whole, plant-based foods. I completely try to avoid processed foods as they are obviously not natural anymore. I choose to eat a mix of lots of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds. I don’t count calories at all. Eating a plant based, whole-food diet while listening to my bodies needs makes this possible without having any regrets of eating something wrong at all. The art of combining different ingredients to a whole recipe is simple, as long as you serve yourself from the great variety which nature offers. I promise you, you will be on the right path while doing so. Superfoods with lots of health benefits play a crucial role as well. In my recipes I will inform you specifically about certain ingredients which support you in achieving and maintaining better health. It’s incredible how far you can get with simple changes in your diet to improve your health and well-being in general. More about that topic in future posts.

My recipes are simple, vegetarian and vegan dishes which combine only natural and plant-based ingredients. My dishes are not only healthy, but make you feel the goodness and happiness from the inside out. More over I try to keep my recipes dairy-free and most of the time gluten-free.

A few years ago I started to get more and more interested about food, its source, and especially its healing properties. Due to my lactose-intolerance which was diagnosed in my early twenties I started looking for alternatives and ways to continue enjoying food as I did before. At the beginning I was struggling to find alternatives, but more and more I got used to the fact and educated myself to be able to adapt to the new circumstances. From this experience I know how hard it can be to handle such an intolerance. A friend which deals with a severe gluten intolerance inspired me to find ways of preparing food without those pain-causing ingredients. I started finding alternatives for every recipe which ended up being gluten-free and diary-free. My philosophy is that everyone can and should enjoy food, it only is a question of knowing how to adjust the way of cooking that serves individual needs. Besides those diagnosed intolerances nowadays people started to switch pro-actively to a more gluten-free and dairy-free diet. The variety of gluten- and dairy-free products has grown on the market, which is a good step in the right direction. On the one hand it raises peoples awareness, but on the other hand you should consider the majority of those products being most of the time very expensive, processed and so to speak not very “clean” and natural products anymore.

With my recipes and ideas I want to show you how to cook simple clean, dairy-free and gluten-free dishes which are just good for you. Because I want everyone to participate and enjoy my recipes, I create them mostly vegan and gluten-free. If they are any exceptions I will show you alternative options as well. To nearly every dish there are good-tasting alternatives. All the ingredients that I use in my cooking are if possible organic and preferebly from the local farmers market. I want to encourage everyone of you of not being afraid to try something new in order to be more healthy. You will see, you won't only be a healthier you, you will feel more energized and beautiful in your own skin.

Come along with me on this journey!

I hope you enjoy my blog and get inspired to find happiness through a healthy, plant-based lifestyle.

On this place I want to thank graphic designer Felix von Pless for his amazing work creating an authentic logo representing my philosophy. Thank you very much!

With lots of love, Fabienne.